
Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas & What's New:

Christmas is always traditional. Every year I'm expected to do the cooking (or my mom if she decides to do it). After cooking I went back to my room. I heard the family come in and out of the house. The past year now or so... we don't really sit together on the dinner table. I don't care for gifts much because I understand the "economy" or blah blah blah. But I usually end up getting a lot of things and I'm always very thankful. But I'm always thankful that my dad is still around this year. It really hurts a lot when I see him drink. Can't stop him because it's already too late. Can't really stop someone that's been stubborn for YEARS. (Esp. if we did put him in a rehab center like over 3 times. And to think... your in a wheelchair... you'd realise it isn't good for you...)

So Christmas is usually good, usually bad. But I think Christmas is always good... it's only bad sometimes. What I'm trying to say is... I swear every year my mom cries over something. But not in a bad way I guess. I bought my mom something simple. It was a necklace w/matching earrings but I was careful to find something that wasn't something a teen would wear. It had a rose and "pearl like" pendents in it and other little things around it. I can't remember in detail lmao. I just could picture my mom wearing it is all. I should've looked more into jewerly for my mom because I was thinking about how Hazel was selling jewerly and I forgot all about that. Sorry Hazel! lol

Anyway, I got a few things... not sure if I will list them but let's just say it was makeup and other things, clothes (the usual) from my parents & a bunch of randomness... Oh! A Japanese Kimono (lg ver) from Sarah, Hello Kitty I meant to say. lol And a friendship necklace. And Chris (Cho & his fiance Ashley) got me "Saints" necklace (I dono if it's meant to represent Louisiana or football lol?) & a AExpress Card for $50 and etc.

I don't really like to say what I get anymore, I don't want to seem bragging and I've lately been controlling myself from "Splurging"... because I'm in the process of maybe moving... a huge change of plans has happened the past couple of months... it's scary but I just kind of have this feeling... and sometimes you gotta take certain "risks"... go forward... because moving back is only keeping you in the same place where you've always been... nowhere... nothing... lost... it's scary like I said earlier... but I just gotta do it.


That's the location. I don't want to say much of it. Maybe another time.

Well I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas... spend it with your family.. remember you have family... even if times are rough be thankful they are around despite the many downs... they're still around... be thankful for having a home, and a place to sleep, and eat... there are many others out there that don't even have 1,2, 3 or however many you have now... be safe on New Years...

-- Tina

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